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The Appalachian Mountains is home to many popular hardwood species. The area stretches from the Northern peaks of Quebec and more than 2.000 km to the Southwestern parts of Alabama. As the mountain side flows through the landscape, the climate and growth conditions change, and these changes become visible in the trees. American lumber is always square-edged cut, which makes it ready for processing right away.


All over Europe, we source hardwood in different qualities to suit our customers’ needs. Even though Europe is one continent, various climates and terrains shape the landscape. This impacts the growing conditions for the naturally found hardwood species. Structure and color changes from area to area depending on the conditions. European timber is often traditionally sawn with live and unedged sawing, which utilizes the timber from the log and minimize waste in the initial cut.


Deep within the tropical forests of Brazil, West & Central Africa, or Southeast Asia, you’ll find many popular hardwood species. Even though these species can be categorized under the same term, differences in growth conditions provide us with a wide array of species to choose from. A main characteristic for all of them is that the trees usually have a more rapid growth rate and they become much bigger in these areas than other places around the world. Another great feature for these types of trees is that they have less knots and defects.

Global timber